A blender is not what usually comes to mind when one considers things to get excited about. This is true, unless one was surprised by her Mr. with a brand spanking new, shiny Kitchenaid Architect blender and one is a food nerd. I have to say, for a blender to be awesome enough to inspire a blog post it must be a pretty damn good blender. And it is, oh it is.

Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Okay, all joking aside, this really is a piece of quality kitchen machinery. Ice, crushed. Pina Colada, blended. Aioli, emulsified. Aside from major appliances and my super rad set knife set, this is probably the most expensive thing in my kitchen, and I never would have bought it for myself. I was always a believer in the $40 blender, just strong enough to make a margarita without ice chunks, but not worth a whole month's electric bill. The Mr. insisted on getting me a nicer one after the last one broke though. He's a big believer that quality comes at a price, but in the long run it will be well worth it. He was right on this one. Yes, the blender cost almost $200 msrp (who doesn't shop sales nowadays though, pffft!) BUT it will be a blender your kids will inherit or be forced to sell at a yard sale with all of your other crap one day when you finally kick it. It's that good, it will last for that long. It's Kitchenaid, 'nough said.