September 07, 2011

Little clouds of heaven.

Today's real, legitimate, with a recipe and a lot more words post will be coming shortly, but I absolutely had to post about these right this instant. While perusing the aisles at Fresh and Easy this afternoon I came across these cute little boxes of "gourmet" (read: handmade) marshmallows.

They offered the four varieties above (Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Chipetta, Caramel Swirl and Luscious Lemon Meringue) and since they looked so delicious and were only $4 a pop I bought one of each. They reminded me of tofu when I first took a good look at them quite honestly. Allow me to assure you they are NOT. They are delicious and you can eat FIVE of them for only 70 calories. That's amazing, seeing that they are so sweet and fluffy and creamy and indulgent that one or two will likely satisfy a sweet tooth or craving (Chocolate Chipetta could knock out my chocolate craving in an instant, it's like eating a super indulgent cup of hot cocoa.).

Upon falling in love I, of course, immediately looked them up and found that they make even more amazing flavors such as S'mores, Peppermint, Coconut and Cinnamon. According to the website the company is a "one woman show" run by a mother and former health educator at USC. She must have known these were good enough to quit her day job over, kudos to mommy courage. They are relatively local as well, which is always a good thing. It looks like they were recently featured on the Food Network (Sugar Rush) and are currently offering Orange Honey, Strawberry Hibiscus, and, yum, MAPLE BACON special edition flavors that were featured.

I am not going to admit how much I am about to buy from their website now. Off to go float on eat some more little clouds of heaven.